Green BTA


New member
I got a new Green BTA this past friday. I put a temporary devider up in my tank to try and limit it's movement. Saturday morning it was attached to the base of my overflow and seemed to be happy. This morning I noticed it moved up to a rock about 1 ft off the bottom when I got home from therapy a little after noon today ti was on the side of the rock facing the overflow in a gap of about 2 inches between the rock and overflow it was opened up fully and looked really happy. About 4 pm today it was gone from the rock and it took awhile to find it sucked into the upperside of a Koralia 4. Part of the foot, disc and tentales were all knotted on the inside of the Koralia. I tried my best to free it but ripped off some of the foot. disc and tentalces. What are it's chances of survival? I have read on several occaisions when buying an anenome to look for and avoid damage to the foot.
my experiences say chances are not so good. But you seen to have the grace of god on your side. i will keep my fingers crossed for ya buddy.
I've done some reading and from what I read (bubbletips get sucked into powerheads often and can withstand alot of damage). I also read on a website dedicated to BTAs that some people cut them in have to get 2 since splitting and cloning is a means of reproduction for them. Well it's been over a week now and my GBTA seems to be doing fine the that was ripped off died and started to decay so I removed it from the tank and it was an awful stench! BUT the large piece seems to be quite happy, my clowns won't go near it which is why I bought the thing but you never know. I had saw a deal online a GBTA with a pair of clowns lving in it for $49.99 I should have went that route but I was afraid the clowns I have would have bullied the newer smaller clowns. Live and learn! I'm still learning!
thanks jmking33. It's unbelievable BUT right after I read this tonight at about 10:55 pm I was going to go to bed and decided to take a look in my tank and guess what my female clown was nestled in my GBTA, I didn't notice this any other night altho I may have overlooked it the last 2 nights.
no problem...its weird, some go straight to it, and others it takes months.(shrug) oh well. glad they might be hosting your nem.
And by the way those Marrons are very aggresive once they have established themselves. I couldnt hardly add any fish after them no matter what the size cause they would beat the s*** out of them.
These are not maroon but I believe I did get them from you. 1 is a true perc and 1 false perc. the male is a little aggressive. the female keeps the male away from the GBTA, it's not big enough for the 2 of them.