Green Cyano?? Could use some help

Chicago Kopka

New member
I've been dealing with this algae issue for over 6 months now. The best way I can describe it is Green Cyano. Its all over my rock- easily blown off with a turkey baster, comes off in mats, and often has bubbles trapped in it. It comes back no matter how much I manually remove. Heres a quick rundown of my tank:

60 gallon cube set up about 18 months ago. After it had been up about 12 months I moved the tank to my new house. At this time I was going to do a starboard bottom but life got in the way and I had to set it up bare with rocks sitting on glass. The algae problem started just before my move but really became an issue after I set it up at the new house.

-6 bulb ATI sunpower (only 4 hour photoperiod when all 6 are on)
-6 stage RODI unit filters changed every 6 months
-10 gallon water changes every 1-2 weeks with RedSea Blue bucket
-around 40lbs caribsea life rock (which sucks. Very heavy and not porous)
-2 MP40QD's

ALK 8.0-9.0
CA 420-440
MG 1300
NO3 2-4 ppm
PO4 0 (never shows detectable levels. used salifert, redsea, Hannah. During my research I've read this can be a problem and might be causing the issue from N and P not being in balance)

My LPS are fine. Zoas are fine if I blow the algae off or else it will start to cover them. SPS has been an issue on and off but overall not good- except for my rainbow pocillopora which is growing and looks amazing. See the pictures below- this is a day after I did a good cleaning. You can see the green algae forming.

Any input is appreciated. I'm at the point of either trying a chemical solution like chemiclean or just starting over.

Curious to what size skimmer you're running. Possible lack of nutrient export?

I wouldn't start over at this point. I had a cyano problem about a year and a half back, threw in some chemiclean and never had a problem again. It caused zero problems to any of my corals.
Following along. I've always had a small amount of cyano in the tank and have tried just about everything.
I can never open those small pictures. I would keep blowing it off. Where do u get your water from for water changes and evap top off? Do u dose anything like amino or anything?
Curious to what size skimmer you're running. Possible lack of nutrient export?

I wouldn't start over at this point. I had a cyano problem about a year and a half back, threw in some chemiclean and never had a problem again. It caused zero problems to any of my corals.

I'm running a Reef Octopus 110 space saver- I think that's what its called. I think I might have to try the chemiclean. Was yours red cyano? Everyone I tell this to says they never heard of green cyano but if its not cyano I don't know what it is.
I can never open those small pictures. I would keep blowing it off. Where do u get your water from for water changes and evap top off? Do u dose anything like amino or anything?

How do I insert larger pictures? It only lets me upload 800x800 size photos. I use a BRS 6 stage RODI unit for making salt water and auto top off. I only dose ALK/CA/MG no aminos right now.

You think its ok to blow it off the rocks without siphoning? Its like an algae storm when I blow it off the rocks, although a lot does get caught in the filter sock.
How do I insert larger pictures? It only lets me upload 800x800 size photos. I use a BRS 6 stage RODI unit for making salt water and auto top off. I only dose ALK/CA/MG no aminos right now.

You think its ok to blow it off the rocks without siphoning? Its like an algae storm when I blow it off the rocks, although a lot does get caught in the filter sock.

Upload to photobucket then copy and paste the imag link from the pic to the post where u want the picture

Example since we talked about making water 👍🏽
I would think that your skimmer is to small.....I would invest in a better skimmer....

You think so? Its rated for 75 gallons in medium stocked tank. I actually might be upgrading to a redsea reefer 350 in the near any recommendations on a skimmer for a tank that size?
You think so? Its rated for 75 gallons in medium stocked tank. I actually might be upgrading to a redsea reefer 350 in the near any recommendations on a skimmer for a tank that size?

I would go to FAOIS and talk to John....I have a Itech....But they are hard to come by.....
Weird I recently started to get this same kind of algae too. Only in certain areas mainly low flow areas.... Blows off easy comes back in a day or 2... I also test zero in p04 and nitratea, I use rodi water so I am not sure either
Just wanted to give a quick update on this since others seem to have had the same problem. I went last resort and used Chemiclean. To my surprise it worked really well so far. Its been about 3 days and the green cyano is almost completely gone.

On a side note- I think this proves it actually was Cyano right. I had a lot of people tell me they have never heard of green cyano, but the Chemiclean would not have worked on anything but a bacteria like cyano right?