Michael 2005
New member
Hello fellow hobbyists. I have a 75 gallon mixed SPS an LPS reef for about 1 year. sand bed 1.25". live rock 70lbs. 2 AI hydra output at 45%. I run a DIY algae reactor with cheato , skimmer, carbon reactor. Pump dose B-Ionic alk, calcium and mag. Also dose vodka for a good measure. Parameters are excellent. nitrates 0, phosphate 0.03. water change weekly 5 gallons. Live stock 2 clowns and small blue tang, all there since the start. clean up crew 4 emerald crabs, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, and 3 snails that go nowhere near the algae... Blue tang doesn't even touch the algae either. Crabs visibly scrub all rock surfaces EXCEPT where the algae grow!
Coral nutrition: oyster feast 1ml and reefroids 1/8 teaspoon daily. fish nutrition formula 2 pellets and frozen brine shrimp once a day. I feed fish slowly and stop when stop eating.
the algae've been growing for about 2 months and spreading on more rocks despite me scrubbing it off once a week with tooth brush. SPS and LPS growth is very good so I am reluctant to turn the lights output down.
please help!
Coral nutrition: oyster feast 1ml and reefroids 1/8 teaspoon daily. fish nutrition formula 2 pellets and frozen brine shrimp once a day. I feed fish slowly and stop when stop eating.
the algae've been growing for about 2 months and spreading on more rocks despite me scrubbing it off once a week with tooth brush. SPS and LPS growth is very good so I am reluctant to turn the lights output down.
please help!