Green toadstool leather frags.

Nah, you handed that to me. If you want I can self serve on the Red Carpet, no problem... :D

Guys, this toadstool is worth a lot more then a few semi-colorful polyps. I would take advantage of this before it's gone.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6955311#post6955311 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reef Junkie
If you want I can self serve on the Red Carpet, no problem... :D

Now you know that I would have to kung fu your butt, right :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6955311#post6955311 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reef Junkie
Guys, this toadstool is worth a lot more then a few semi-colorful polyps. I would take advantage of this before it's gone.

That's because Chris refuses to call these "Tyree LE Green Toadstools" :lol:

(which they are)
Yes, Warren, I am aware that you would "try" to find and kill me, but I would disappear like a ninja. Wait, I'm already doing that...

Say it! Ty-ree
Chris, I'm interested in a big piece. What kind of deal could you give me?

I've got all the fish I need now I need some more coral. :)
Hey Chris Watch out !
I hear that john is trying to get rid of that basket of apples he's been collecting!:lol: