New member
How can I differentiate between male and female wolf eel blennys (Congrogadus subducens)? I'd been told (perhaps erroneously) that the one I've had in my tank for 6 months is a female - it's mostly brown, not a spot of green on her. The same person also told me the males are more green. Tonight I introduced a green-colored one who is a bit smaller than the resident blenny. There was some strange behavior at first. The resident blenny turned sideways and kept rubbing on the newcomer. Both would sort of "shiver" occasionally. I'm wondering if that is them just establishing a heirarchy or if it's courting behavior? The resident blenny followed the new one about for quite a while, and is now chasing and biting at it. Is the newcomer in danger? I have a 130g reef tank with lots of rock for hiding. Any info on these fascinating creatures is greatly appreciated. I've only been in this hobby about a year.