Greg Hiller From BRS- Available Speaking Dates


In Memoriam
Hey guys!

I got this reply back from Greg. I was sitting here thumbing through the calendar trying to set a date- does anyone have a preference before I work this out with him? I thought I would ask to make sure enough people could attend...

Also, some of the speakers imo kick butt and I thought you guys should be notified that they would be in MA! Fatheree wrote the book on clams that Barry brought to October's meeting, and Sanjay is a great DIYer, imo...

I am also considering booking a VFW hall in Augusta or Portland for 6-8 meetings of the year as volunteers have been harder and harder to come by... Any thoughts?


Message Copied Below:


Sorry to be slow to reply I needed to check carefully on my schedule.

If you have a list of potential dates that would be a good way to get started. Most clubs give a $100 honorarium, but if your club is particularly small that would not be needed. I spoke for SWAM about 2 years ago when the meeting was held at a shop that subsequently closed. I can talk about a wide variety of topics related to reefkeeping.

I recently wrote a 3 part series about how to keep your tank from having a disaster:

I also did a series of articles about coral propagation, the most recent of which is here:

If I came up to speak for your club I would like the opportunity to make some of the corals that I raise available to your club members (I would bring anything that people wanted up with me).

It's much easier for me if the meetings were on a Saturday, early in the day (between say noon and 4 PM or so).

Let me know.

- Greg Hiller

Dates of upcoming BRS meetings:

March 31st, Sat - James Fatherree
April 28th Sat - Sanjay Joshi - Lighting Expert
May 19th Sat - possible club member livestock auction
June 30th Sat - possible BRS cookout
July 28th Sat
August 25 Sat
Sept 29th Sat
Oct 20th Sat - annual auction
Nov 17th Sat
Dec. 15th Sat - annual elections
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July or august would be my preference.....
I'd love to see at least a few of the meetings in Augusta...:)
Greg is an excellent speaker and a heck of a nice guy. He has been a good source of tanks raised corals for me in the past. His setups are very interesting. If I have extra time when I am in Boston I try and pick up some stuff.

His website is attached.

July August would be great. It would also love to hear Sanjay.
July 7th. When are we going to the coast to collect critters again? We usually go in early July:)
What's everyone's schedule for tommorrow???????? Tide should be good:D
Awww mannnnn.... I work 12's Thursday and Friday or I would have loved to go. Stupid job...!

Would mid to the end of June work for coast critters?

Just kidding about going today. Wayyyy to cold:) I'll check the tide calender. June may work, or even later in July.
What will Greg be talking about.... preventing a disaster is always good ;0) Lots of early advertising as that is a holiday weekend, amny vacation that week and the summers here are short and sweet!

As far as renting a hall or anything else, guess that would depend on how much it cost and what the club has for funds? IMO I would rather spend the money on speakers. If you go to Portand, SMCC might be an option and they did not charge last time.

An option for Augusta might be a church.. any members in the Augusta area that are members of a church that would rent cheaply? I'd ask mine but Hedonistic churches have not been established around here....yet :(

The community college in Fairfield aslo let us host there before, they might be an option again.

Good going Laurie!