Greg's 330gal reef

In case anyone would like to see pics of the build here are a few I took while it was in progress..Also it looks like I am going to get my AI modules next Tues or Weds..I will take photos of the install process and post them within the next week or so..And yes I do use carbon but not and extremely large amount..











Thats all for now
I am going to run six modules..I have already installed a few of their systems and six should work just fine...But of course I can always add more if I feel the tank needs it..
as above, your tank looks amazing.
How often are you feeding your chromis? have you seen their number decline?

it looks like you have a splendid leopard wrasse, can you set your watch by him? I have had one and at 6pm every night regardless of the lights being on or off he would dive into the sand bed to sleep, great character fish and very pretty to boot.
The chronis get fed once a day..I have not lost any..all they do is GROW..The leopard wrasses actually are out all day until the lights go out and then they bury..:rollface:
Well it looks like I will not be posting any pics of the AI modules this weekend.I received them last week and one of the modules was defective.I called AI and they shipped a replacement module out on Fri.Now I am planning on installing them on Thurs..I will post pics after the install completed.
Stay tuned!!!!!
The wood work was alot of work..with the exception of the doors it had to be sanded and stained in the the house..Luckly for me Minwax makes a low Voc stain.I am very happy with way it all turned out.
Well I finally got my new AI modules installed this weekend.I am very pleased with the look.The corals are starting to get acustomed to the new lighting.I have the lights set at (white 55%,blue 65%,royal 60%).I tested the sytem with my meter before and after and this pretty close to what it was with 400watt radiums.I still need to do some more wiring clean-up,but I am pretty happy with the set-up.




that looks stunning!..what have you saved in watts swapping to the AI units from the 400w MH you were running?
My 4x400 watt radiums would equal 1600watts,plus my 1/3hp chiller would run once and awhile..If I run the AI modules at 100%( I do not think I will end up above 80%) than I would be at 450watts..A huge saving in the energy bill.