Group buy for frozen food, courtesy of Memfish: Place order here.

I might be mistaken but isn't the group buy for WTMRAC members only? That is one of the perks of being a club member, is getting sponsor discounts and us working together to get good deals for the club members. Otherwise, why would one want to join the club? I am not trying to be inhospitable, but we are working hard to increase our club participation, and don't want people to take advantage of our members that are doing all the leg work. We really do want non-members to come join and participate with us. Be a part of our reef society, and have fun with us. We want to support the hobby! :0)
Please join us here at WTMRAC and be part of our group:
Our group buys are of course for members only. This is one of the many perks of being in the club, although not one of the ones I'd consider the more important. We have several group buys a year, including orders for salt, bulk chemicals, frozen food, light bulbs, and even livestock. And don't forget the frag swap! But I consider the sharing of information and enthusiasm and the monthly meetings to be of even more importance.

So if you've requested a frozen food order and don't plan on becoming a member ASAP, please let me know. And then ask yourself why not!
Thanks for your support Jay.

Folks, I completely Agree! (And I'm responsible for raising the Question, as I'm busily reaching out to Vendors all day today and this evening.)

People always ask, "What are the benefits of Joining the Club?", well.... THIS is one of Them. :thumbsup:

Membership has it privileges. Unfortunately for those of Us working our brains out behind the scenes, it also has a Cost. It's extremely modest in monetary terms, but These are the types of benefits you gain access to.

I think my analysis above speaks for itself, but this ONE ORDER ALONE, clearly underwrites the cost of membership.

Thanks for Joining WTMRAC!
There were a couple orders that came in past the deadline last weekend... now all have been compiled and sent to Memfish... when I hear back from Richard I'll let you know dollar amounts, payment and pick up details. Thanks for your orders.

OMG! I am such a Slug!

I just realized that MY MEMBERSHIP was due!

Well, not any more!

Jay (onereef), I just renewed.
Jay (neuro), you mentioned above that you'll let us know about how we'll hand the Cost of the Orders themselves; not renewing Membership to the Club, per se.

I assume we're still waiting to hear of about the Order Payments??