GROUP BUY - Reef Radiance

I placed an order on 7/24 and have yet to receive my order. I think i would have paid the extra money to get it sooner from someone who had products in stock. Just my two cents.

have you contacted Rick about your order ? not sure which sale you ordered in but It's probably still within the 1 to 3 week time period of that sale, Rick will sort through it and correct it if there is an issue, he's a great guy to deal with :)

you could have ordered from Rick through his web store and received your product sooner but it would have cost you substantially more to do so....the wait is the only drawback to ordering in these sales, but I think the saving far out weigh the draw back, that just my 2 pennies though :)
Hi reefchitown,

i looked up your order and you did not purchase it on the 24th? Can you double check the date and let me know the paypal name you used? Many times the paypal name is not the same as your online name and if the dates of purchase dont match - we have no way to track your order.

So if you could send me the correct date and your paypal name i will get right back to you with any update.


for those who may have not seen the Reef Radiance forum update, Rick has extended the latest sale until Sunday, so there's still time to get a great deal on an LED light system
redtop03, thanks for the picture comparison as I also use Phoenix 14K bulbs on a Lumatek ballast and I have been looking into purchasing my first LED set up but am not 100% sold on the long term health & coloration of my SPS and Acan's.
Has anyone tried to PM ReefRadiance? It says he cannot receive PMs now and I ordered through the group buy - wanted to get an order status
If he can't receive PM's, it's because he elected not to receive PM's. So I would suggest emailing him.
FYI, email is the best way to contact him - hes not accepting PMs - reason given: no longer sponsoring RC.

thanks Bill
Hey Rick, I received your lights about a month ago, I never said anything because I forgot. Now that theyve been on, let me tell you that Im very happy w them. I keep them about 30-45% power respectively and I love the color, light output & brightness. Thanks for an excellent product. Although I have no need for another set of lights, I am tempted to buy for a future tank just based on price and quality alone!