Gsp love-hate relationship


Strange as it may seem there was a time when I could not grow green star polyps. Had thriving sps, lps you name it but failed with star polyps. Well something turned the corner and the last frag of them I got has exploded. Now the question is, how to contain or eliminate. Curious if the kalk solution recommended for aiptsia will work. Anyone ever try that?

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Fluketabs is an antibiotic that will kill gsp also Xenia, maybe a couple other things. Look it up before you use it.

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Any idea what changed from back when it would not grow? I am guessing not as I have also had cases where a given coral would just sit there not growing or dying for months or even years and then would decide it was time to grow and grow.

Are your other corals still thriving the way they did before?
Now the question is, how to contain or eliminate. Curious if the kalk solution recommended for aiptsia will work. Anyone ever try that?

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Yes, kalk paste will kill it. So will other chemicals. You can smother it with epoxy too.

It's best left isolated so you don't have to do that.
I have a rock that is mostly separated from the others to contain it, but as of yet it hasn't been a problem for me. Grew nicely, then oddly died off while other corals looked fine. Now it is coming back. Clowns are happy, they seem to want to live in it sometimes.
Yes, isolate the rock(s) it's growing on (surrounded by sand), or, put it up against the tank rear wall. It's pretty mesmerizing to have the entire rear of the tank covered in swaying green (that's not hair algae!). Also, it's pretty easy to remove frags from the rear glass/acrylic to sell to other reefers or return to your local LFS for credit.
