Guess the Phosphate level

Wish I could have made it. I'll be in DC next year though...
Thanks Lee. :D

I got some new tests from AWT back today, but they sat for a week and seem insane, so I'll send another set tomorrow.
Still tagging along. Using phosban since tank was set up and PO4 still undetectable. Adding more frags today...
New test. There was a water change in between too. Last results below:

Home Display - N/A
09-25-2014 Ammonia (NH3-4) Good 0 0.000 - 0.050 mg/L
09-25-2014 Nitrite (NO2) Good 0.015 0.000 - 0.100 mg/L
09-25-2014 Phosphate (PO4) High 1.96 0.000 - 0.250 mg/L
09-25-2014 Nitrate (NO3) Good 19 0.000 - 25.000 mg/L
09-25-2014 Silica (Sio2-3) Good 0.4 0.000 - 0.500 mg/L
09-25-2014 Potassium (K) Good 408 350.000 - 450.000 mg/L
09-25-2014 Ionic Calcium (Ca) Good 147 100.000 - 300.000 mg/L
09-25-2014 Boron (B) NA NA 3.000 - 6.000 mg/L
09-25-2014 Molybdenum (Mo) Good 0.1 0.000 - 0.120 mg/L
09-25-2014 Strontium (Sr) Good 7.4 5.000 - 12.000 mg/L
09-25-2014 Magnesium (Mg) High 1560 1100.000 - 1400.000 mg/L
09-25-2014 Iodine (I) Good 0.08 0.030 - 0.090 mg/L
09-25-2014 Copper (Cu) Good 0.02 0.000 - 0.030 mg/L
09-25-2014 Alkalinity (meq/L) Good 4.8 2.500 - 5.000 meq/L
09-25-2014 Total Calcium (Ca) High 485 350.000 - 450.000 mg/L
09-25-2014 Iron (Fe) NA NA 0.000 - 0.010 mg/L

New AWT results

09-01-2014 Ammonia (NH3-4) Good 0 0.000 - 0.050 mg/L
09-01-2014 Nitrite (NO2) Good 0.016 0.000 - 0.100 mg/L
09-01-2014 Phosphate (PO4) High 2.23 0.000 - 0.250 mg/L
09-01-2014 Nitrate (NO3) High 39 0.000 - 25.000 mg/L
09-01-2014 Silica (Sio2-3) High 1.6 0.000 - 0.500 mg/L
09-01-2014 Potassium (K) Good 411 350.000 - 450.000 mg/L
09-01-2014 Ionic Calcium (Ca) Good 130 100.000 - 300.000 mg/L
09-01-2014 Boron (B) NA NA 3.000 - 6.000 mg/L
09-01-2014 Molybdenum (Mo) High 0.2 0.000 - 0.120 mg/L
09-01-2014 Strontium (Sr) Good 7.4 5.000 - 12.000 mg/L
09-01-2014 Magnesium (Mg) High 1480 1100.000 - 1400.000 mg/L
09-01-2014 Iodine (I) Good 0.03 0.030 - 0.090 mg/L
09-01-2014 Copper (Cu) Good 0.01 0.000 - 0.030 mg/L
09-01-2014 Alkalinity (meq/L) Good 3.7 2.500 - 5.000 meq/L
09-01-2014 Total Calcium (Ca) High 460 350.000 - 450.000 mg/L
09-01-2014 Iron (Fe) NA NA 0.000 - 0.010 mg/L
Algae has been a problem and confusing since before we were able to test for and reduce phosphate. Before phosphate, we had very much the same discussion about nitrate. There are many things that can impact algae growth so it is hard to say what exactly makes the difference. Is it herbivores? Is the nutrient load in the water column different from the load in the substrate? Does the maturity of the tank matter?

Agreed. 20 Years ago it was Nitrates. 10 years ago it was Phosphates. Now we can positively point to both being useful to coral growth. But in all cases, and for many decades, we've always said try to out-compete algae and you'll be fine.

Proper control of bryopsis and dinoflagellates is incredibly easy if you use natural control methods: Live rock, deep sand beds, 1000's of cerith snails, tangs, blennys, algae scrubbers, cryptic zones, etc.

It's fairly easy to create a full blown ecosystem within a box, you just need to make sure that the ecosystem is stable for it's size.
Agreed. 20 Years ago it was Nitrates. 10 years ago it was Phosphates. Now we can positively point to both being useful to coral growth. But in all cases, and for many decades, we've always said try to out-compete algae and you'll be fine.

Proper control of bryopsis and dinoflagellates is incredibly easy if you use natural control methods: Live rock, deep sand beds, 1000's of cerith snails, tangs, blennys, algae scrubbers, cryptic zones, etc.

It's fairly easy to create a full blown ecosystem within a box, you just need to make sure that the ecosystem is stable for it's size.

great post. creating a balanced ecosystem is my favorite part o the aquarium hobby.

in a different but equally great note. I totally read your name as epic boner lol ;)
I'm old enough to remember when Frued was taught in every class..
I think he has fallen out of scholastic fashion..
This side track is a train wreck waiting to happen..
Thales, quick!! Tell us about your ats!!