gulf or keys?


New member
I like the Gulf rock, but it's not listed in the catalog? I'm sure I'm missing something. What is the Deco rock and Corals on rock? I'm gonna be needing 70-80lb sometime real soon.

The pictures you see on the website with all the color and life are of the gulf rock. I can only speak on behalf of ordering the package when it comes to the rock. It is all covered in life and corals. I do not know if TBS even make a differentiation between deco rock and corals on rock when you get the package but it is definitely covered in the good stuff. TBS has not had very favorable weather this month for diving in the gulf so that could be a reason for it not showing in the catalog. What I can tell you from being in the shop several times is that you should call Richard / Mary at the number listed on the website. They are very great folks to work with and will answer all of your questions.

I would get the package but I don't need the sand.. already have 120lb in my tank. I could use about 40lb live sand, but not as much as is in the package.. I would love the rest of it! I really do want their rock that is covered in the corals and the other life.. that's exactly waht I want! Guess I could wait and hope for good weather down there... so it is usually listed as Gulf rock on the catalog? Maybe I'll get a little big at the LFS (since I work there, heh) and that will get me going. But man TBS's rock just looks amazing.. the only thing about buying it locally is that her rock doesn't have any snails or anything like that on it, just nice coralline. I guess that would leave me room to buy a critters package. hmm
Their stuff looks good, I will give you that, but I am willing to pay the extra for saltwater shipping, not "bounty paper towels" dipped in salt water... TBS is still where I am headed.
The point of the aquaculture rock is to get it with the life alive. Shipped in paper towels I dont see how the life could survive.
that is another thing I like about TBS and how they ship their rock. It's actually in water, not just damp paper towels. I don't mind paying a few bucks more for shipping b/c of the added weight. I don't see any reason to skimp here, once I have the money. I'll probably order some soon, as soon as I get my sump going (still waiting on overflow and return pump, skimmer is in the mail) and the water cleared up.