H elp ? about penductors


New member
I added two 1" penductors and a Iwaki 70rlt to my 125g sps reef.
The problem is way to wuch flow so the question is should I add more penductors to lower pressure or should I down size the pump to lower pressure?
The penductors will help increase the flow so I wouldeitherstep down to another pump, or you could place aball valve in the return line somewhere so you can adjust the flow without spending money on a pump.
Dont get a smaller pump! Just add a couple of more pendustors. I believe that 3-4 are reccomended for the 70.
What is the orifice size? Don't quote the thread size, it doesn't matter.

If you have the 0.30 orifice you can use the 0.375 orifice to slow the flow without adding more outlets.
pump is @ 5' head and the orfice is 3/8" don't know 0.30 or 0.375

plus I have added 1 more 1" penductor for a total of three and it is alot better still think I'm going to add a forth.
thanks for all the help.