

Premium Member
Hi all, just like to show off ny new addition, a 5" hippopus clam that I got couple of days ago. Hope you all like my pretty "rock".
No, it's not a rock! Those things are very cool. I have one in my tank as well. They are very different clams. Kind of a quirky addition to the clam collection I already have.
Enjoy it!
srfmon said:
No, it's not a rock!
Enjoy it!

Thanks, I was j/k :) I love all Tridacniids ,but it does look like a husky rock :p although mine has some pretty pink dots in its mantle.
OK, here is one more shot of him... the Polyphyllia talpina coral next to it is about 14" long for reference;)
zenya said:
Thanks, I was j/k :) I love all Tridacniids ,but it does look like a husky rock :p although mine has some pretty pink dots in its mantle.
I know you're kidding! I think it has cool zipper looking seams when it closes, kind of like a duffel bag. Here is a picture of mine.
srfmon said:
I know you're kidding! I think it has cool zipper looking seams when it closes, kind of like a duffel bag. Here is a picture of mine.

It sure does. I have a Chelmon rostratus in this tank and when it tries to pick on the clam it closes so fast it blows the fish away and it flees:p No damage so far but i'm keeping eye on him(the fish) just the same.
BTW, you've got a beaut there:)
Thanks, for the compliment! I'd like to see another pic (top view) of the mantle to see the pink spots - if possible!
Great looking clam.
I love these clams They're like the ninja of clams. You don't know ist a clam unless you have a trained eye or look really closly. Where did you get this clam? I have a hard time finding hippopus clams where I live. I may just end up ordering one online.
my clowns decided my hippopus needed a bit more color...
