H&S A150 Skimmer: Should I add a container? How often do you empty the cup?


New member
I just ordered an H&S A150 and I can't wait to try it out after struggling with the touchy AquaC EV-180 for two years. One of the only features that I will miss about the AquaC is that I'm using the Auto-Waste Container so I don't have to worry about emptying the cup that often. This container is built very solid.

I'm undecided whether I should drill a hole at the bottom of the A150 cup, install a tubing adapter and let the skimmate go into my 5L Auto-Waste Container.

The A150 cup seems pretty large. How often do you empty the cup? If it is only once every few weeks then I'll just get rid of the container. If it is once every few days then I am tempted to keep the container and do the mod.
It will depend on your bioload. I drilled a hole for an auto off on a collection, mostly as a safeguard against overflow- though an H&S has yet to overflow on me in over 2 1/2 years.

They are great skimmers- youll love it.
I drilled my cup and ran a line into a 5 gallon jug, but i skim wet. And I have a small bio load right now so i can get away with weekly cleanings.
I have my A150 on a 120 Gal. tank w/ about 160 Gal. total system volume. I only empty my cup once a week, with a medium boiload, and I skim fairly wet.

How are you guys skimming wet? My water level is adjusted about 1/8" below the gray connection where the collection cup sits.