halimeda just went a-sexual!


New member
I have this chunck of halimeda in the corner of my display for some time now and I wake up today to the fish breathing fast and the halimeda completely white. The tank isn't cloudy but the algae is definetly dead and I would assume released spores into the water.

I have to leave for school but I took out as much halimeda as I could and added a bunch of carbon with a new filter sock.

Any other suggestions for what to do or how serious this is? I usually hear the water gets cloudy but mine wasn't..?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


do a water change as soon as you can. I would. Carbon may not absorf eveything or it may become saturated quickly.
gota be careful with alot of strains, best bet if you have others is place them in your fuge only, and run a 24-7 lighting schedule.

i would do like a 30-40% water change if you can.
Hrm... Yea water changes are always the best option. Good luck with it! Did the skimmer go nuts at all? I would imagine some of the released "stuff" (at least most if not all of it) would get skimmed up pretty quickly, but also overflow the skimmer.

That makes me rethink my previous decision to leave the tiny bit of halimedia that is in the top of my tank there, and maybe I should just toss it...