Hanna Calcium Checker Question


New member
So I recently bought a used Hanna calcium checker and cannot seem to figure out the correct reading. Did the test on my tank and came up with a reading of 200 & 210, that really surprised me as to theres no way it could be this low. So just now I started doing a water change and wanted to test the newly made water as the constant sample and still came up with 200. I watched the calcium test video by Hanna so I know that I am doing it correctly. The solution in the vial is orange instead of a deep purple like the hanna video shows.
Any help and input would be appreciated
My first kit came with a bad batch of regents, every single test came back 650. When they sent me a new set of regents it came with a bottle of di water.
When I used it, I think twice, I had the same problem as above. It read 650ish. When I searched it, I only found other people who had the same problem, not that it was a bad set of reagents. Honestly, I just gave up and went back to API. Anyway, let me know if we need to work something out.

It's almost like I am getting a half reading. If it was 400 I would be more comfortable
Honestly contact Hannah, their customer support is pretty good. Make sure you are getting ALL of the powder into the vial and not touching the inside of the envelope to open it. Other then that I would shoot them a message, maybe you got one that was poorly calibrated, that's what I originally thought.