Happy Easter


NY Reef Club member
Happy easter to all the NY REEF CLUB on our first easter. I hope all is taking a little time from the reef and spending it with there loved ones. Happy Easter.
I was just about to start this thread...Happy Easter to all my NY Reef Club buddies and their families...
Happy Easter/Passover to all my NY Reef Buddy's, And your Welcome for the nice wheather we sent on up to you! Hahaha.
If it is alright I may just go ahead and join your Club too if That's OK with you Guy's this way I fell I'm contributing to the Club not just Gabbing on here all the Time! LMK
Bill, MTRC President...
Welcome Bill
I haven't been on here in a while I also wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holiday I hope everyone had a good time. I know I got pretty damn saucy lol