Happy fish. I think.


New member
The new additions seem to be adjusting well. The zebra moray has settled into the cave I built for him. Knowing that zebra morays are crustacean eaters, I went to the local Asian market (huge affair that has expanded beyond Asian fare to include central/south american and eastern european foods) and got some conch and some fresh frozen soft-shelled crab. They have live soft-shelled crabs, but that would be a bit much for one feeding, and I don't know if I could just kill and dismember the crab like that anyway. In any event, the eel crunched away on a couple crab legs and readily took the conch.

The goatfish has become quite the character. It has taken quite a liking to PE mysis, and now begs when I come to the tank. If you have never seen a goatfish eat, it is something to watch. They have two long barbels that they use to probe the substrate and rocks for food. Any food that they eat first gets probed by the barbels and directed to their mouth with them. They are lightning fast with them.