Happy with first order ....


Grizzled & Cynical
long time reefer, but first time orderer from Bzoo. Happy with the process and result - though ordered ALL expert level fish, so not doing myself any favors :) FWIW, important to check salinity of all bags (not just one and assume all others are the same) as levels were different across fish bought. Def will order again.
Ah, yes, making life difficult for myself ..... one male pseudoanthis evansii (hard), one meleagris leopard (hard) and a quintet of pseudoanthis tuka (REALLY hard). Wish me luck!
Thanks for the comments guys and good luck with your new additions. If there is any help we can give, please do not hesitate to call 1-888-479-2583
They all look good. Evansi is already eating mysis, Tukas ova and reef plankton, leopard still snoozing in the sand ..... Thx.