Has anyone either shipped or received frags via an Igloo cooler?


Active member
Hi all,
I was just wondering if anyone here has ever received or shipped frags using an Igloo cooler instead of your normal styrofoam box? If so, what were the positves or negatives associated with it? Thanks in advance.
i have received frags from exoticreefs that way.... the posative was i got a reusuable cooler to take and receive frags from friends and to local meetings..... and they are a lot more durable then styrofoam
no real negatives that i can think off

I have gotten them and sent them. They do make an almost indestructable shipping container, and are insulated prety good.
I received a tiny frag in a cooler and the person did not do a good job of adding heat packs and the bag leaked almost all the water out. Thought I was going to loose the little guy but he pulled through
It seems like a good way to ship if you (the shipper) don't mind the added expense. Frags I got from Steve Tyree and Frank Burr were shipped in Igloo coolers. Both shipments arrived in great shape.
All the shipments I've gotten from Steve Tyree came in coolers. IMO, it is the best way to ship frags. They are practically indestructable (just make sure you tape them shut good). Also, if some of the bags leak, it will just fill the bottom of the cooler with water and the frags should stay submerged.