Have had my 6100's and 7095 for a week now....few questions Roger


Registered Member
I have a 175 bowfront. I just got my magents in (ordered them right after I got the 6100's and tried to figure out that bracker system with my oceonic) and they work like a charm.

Question 1- How powerful should I have the things? I have them set on 50% now, have mainly sps in tank with a few misc things but nothing in the direct flow (MINE stay on the teeth :) )

Question 2- What is the "best" setting to replicate ocean movement.

Question 3- what is the "best" way to set the two 6100's for maximum tank flow

Thanks Roger, you are a wonderful constant on these boards.
Sorry this one slipped by. In general you want to start with about 50% power at the top end and work this up one step a week.

The most natural in my opinion is to set the pumps to Interval I or II at 6hr intervals. This replicates the tide interval. I would set pulse at 3 sec. If you use Interval II oddss are you won't be able to get a pump up to 100% because with the other one on even just 30% that could be too much flow so a 30%-75% pulse would probably be what I would do.