Have Lenses Which DSLR body? Nikon


New member
Any Nikon guys that could offer a few words or send me a pm I would be very grateful. I have a Nikon F100 set up with 3 of the AF and AF-S lenses. I would like to get a DSLR body and have done much searching on lens compatibility and visited Mr. Rockwell's pages. However, what I have not found is whether or not FX or DX would be best with the AF Lens. I was considering getting a D610 body or perhaps a D7100. Since I do nothing but family photography a D300 might be suitable. I would like to be able to make use of my existing lenses. Thank you again.
I have a 300. Had the 200 before it. I would buy another 300 personally. Can't comment on the other bodies. Never used one. All your lenses will work on it also.
I have a D300. best dx camera ever made. fx is wasted money for tank photography. dx will increase you lens range. 100mm becomes 150mm. great for macro lenses.
I would definitely go D300 over D7100. But with the D610 (FX) I haven't shot enough tank photography to know if it's the way to go!
Since you're coming from film, you might like the Nikon Df. I have one and I love it! It works with ALL Nikon lenses dating back from 1959 including Non-Ai (which you cannot mount on current DSLRs). If you have old manual focus glass, you can mount them on the Df and they will work with full metering.

Personally, unless you're really tight on budget, I can't recommend DX anymore. Especially since you can easily pick up a used D600 or D700 for ~$800 these days. DX bodies have smaller viewfinders compared to FX bodies, and if you're coming from the F100 you will notice this right away. FX viewfinders are big and bright, and you will not have to deal with crop factor. (50mm is 50mm, like your F100)

Here's my black Df with Nikkor 105 2.5 AIS

love my d7100. should work on all your lenses.

Also, i think the size and cost of the FX bodies not justifiable unless you are using for job/work/living, or need real great low light iso....
The d7100 does really well for crop sensor. I shoot my kids indoor sports at times. High school gyms suck!

my 2 cents.

Can't wait for the d7200. Hopefully bumps the burst rate a tad, and adds wi fi and gets a few extras! :-)