Have to Sell!!!

i really want to hold out as long as possible to sell it in 1 shot, i will reffer back to this thread in order for anyone interested in individual items once i go down the parting out road.
i gave it some thought and i am concerned how my son will take it seeing the tank that he loves so much being torn down bit by bit sold in parts and i dont know how long that will go on for, its kinda like a a band-aid its better to rip it off in 1 fast pull then sit there in torture yourself pulling it off slowly, the quicker its gone (when he is not home) the better

Thanks again to all for your kind thoughts
if anyone wants to see the tank PM me, i dont mind showing it
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11360773#post11360773 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d9sccr
maybe the blasto too

The Blasto is one of my prized pcs, i dont think i would sell it ( i would keep it in my GF's tank) but i will let you know
i am NOT parting out yet, but depending on interest i may consider it

Tank with stand ONLY $275.00

Skimmer ASM G2 $175.00

Metal Halide 2 X250W Pendants W/ Bluewave 7 ballast $325.00 (Bulbs have about 5 months on them(( new retails over $700.00))

Sunpaq PC 2 X 65w $50.00 each ( i have a total of 4 ballast 2 bulbs per ballast) all 4 for $175.00

glass Refuge 38gal 36X12X21H $100.00 it has 2 sections, 1 12x12 and another 12x16 section, 3 baffles NO BUBBLES AT ALL

Mag 9 $35.00

Little Giant 1100 GPH $50.00 (i dont know the model number i will get it though)

Pan world 250 $50.00

Auto top off $75.00

Refuge Light $30.00

digital timers $15.00 each, i have 3

DJ power strip $20.00

6 120mm Cooling fans with power supply $60.00

loc-lines $40.00 for all, i have a lot

Iwaki pump with brute can PVC plumbing w valve to connect a hose and pump SW directly to the display tank(EXCELLENT mixing and aeration for making your own SW) $100.00

LIVE ROCK $3.00lb, i have 145lbs my biggest is 38lbs. some rock has a ric or yuma or something growing on it, it will not increase price

Hammer Metallic green tips about the size of a cantaloupe $50.00

Frog spawn is also as big as the hammer $50.00

purple tip hammer $20.00

Orange mushrooms about 15 polyps W/some fire and ice zoo's on 1 rock $45.00

HUGE BRIGHT green mushrooms 10 or so polyps on a rock $45.00

1 rock with 12 orange/green with green mouths rics $70.00

some purple and green yumas $10.00 ea

Orange digitata 35.00

a cool brite green tip acro 3-4" (dont know the name) $25.00

small rock about 5" across covered in multi colored zoo's Blues, green/red/orange rings, green and yellow 40.00

1 orange monti cap 3" across $15.00

1 Orange monti Capricornis 3" across $20.00

some funky green fuzzy thing $10.00 (YES thats my name for it)

birds nest that i got from Rogger, it has grown nicely about 3"$20.00

and others i cant think of right now

including many supplies and tests

pics of most of these items are in the photobucket sub albums "Updated 11-07"

if anyone thinks these prices are incorrect please send me a PM


I would be interested in the rock with 12 orange/green with green mouths rics, some purple and green yumas, birds nest that i got from Rogger, it has grown nicely about 3", and orange monti cap 3" across along with the auto topoff and the dj power strip.
I'm interested in purple tip hammer $20.00, but what color is the body of the tentacles? Is it branching or just one giant piece growing around? I'll be home this weekend and could pick up when I go down to Miami with the g/f.

I'm considering buying that birdsnest as well if Mel doesn't want it, but I would just give it back to Rogger because if I remember correctly, Rogger lost ALL of his birdsnest and it's frags when he moved the tank.
Sorry to hear about your son, wish him and your family the best!! If Reefwreak does nt get that purple tip hammer, I would be interested... If not, maybe the large hammer or frogspawn & the yumas... pm sent.
Reefwreak: it is a purple tip with green stalks, branching hammer

does everyone who is interested in the birdsnest mind if i just give it to Rogger, instead of selling it???? i did not know he had lost corals

anyone else interested in any other items since i posted prices? Live rock, lights, etc...etc...
I don't think you mentioned it, but I'm also interested if you've got some extra snails or an urchin depending on the type. My 120 is a bit deficient in the cleaning crew department because I'm a cheap bastard.

But yea, I'll definitely take the hammer. I'll be down in Miami this weekend. What part of Miami are you in?

I don't mind giving the frag to Rogger, but who asked me? :p

I'm sure others will come around who are looking for other stuff. I know a few people who might be looking for more rock soon, I'll point them your way. I may also pick up A rock if that's cool, because I've got to re-seed my tank with pods.

Yeah, I am cool if give it to Rogger.....once it grows bigger I will just get a frag from him.

I would be interested in the rock with 12 orange/green with green mouths rics, some purple and green yumas, and orange monti cap 3" across along with the auto topoff and the dj power strip.
i still dont see enough interest to justify parting out, although some of you posted you were interested in some items BEFORE i posted individual prices, if you still want it please let me know

adrian52492: are you still interested in the lights? i will post pics of SW mixing can

Melvin PM sent

as off yet i still have NOT sold a single thing
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11377972#post11377972 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lilfishbigreef
i still dont see enough interest to justify parting out, although some of you posted you were interested in some items BEFORE i posted individual prices, if you still want it please let me know

adrian52492: are you still interested in the lights? I will post pics of SW mixing can

Melvin PM sent

as off yet I still have NOT sold a single thing

if u want to know why is because u prices are to hi,I just want to be honest with u is not that I have any problem with u prices u are free to do wherever u want with u tank :) dale
I still want the hammer. I'll pick it up this weekend. PM me your phone number and address and I'll get directions and call before I come.

I think the prices on most of the stuff was fair, if not more than fair. I'd be interested to see what you didn't think was a good price. Sure, they're not "blow the roof off your house sale!" kind of prices, but they're certainly less than retail, are relatively new, and he seems like a nice enough guy. I'm not in the market for the equipment that he has to offer, so I don't know what the going rate for that kind of stuff is. Maybe he doesn't either? There's always the for sale forums.. ::shrug::
i am open to REASONABLE offers, i think my prices a more than fair BUT as i wrote, if anyone thinks they are too high or incorrect PLEASE PM ME!!!

