having problems with chaetomorpha

maybe i could add amonia to the tank so that it can cycle into nitrate--that way it has something to live on for a week or two---any suggestions on what to use?
derek_setter said:
maybe i could add amonia to the tank so that it can cycle into nitrate--that way it has something to live on for a week or two---any suggestions on what to use?

Plant life will consume ammonia before nitrAte before nitrItes and in that order.

There certainly would be better ways to increase the bioload to support more plant life. Adding a fish would be the most effecient.

If you are using ro/di water then a very slight increase in bioload could be realized by using tap water. But the bioload in established aquaria comes overwhelming from the livestock and not from the input water.

Or you might just cut back the profilera drastically so the chaeto has more nutrients to work with. It could be that say a ounce of profilera works as hard for nutrients as say 8 ounces of chaeto.

Or you could just be happy with the profilera. After all I'm just speculating here:D.
xcreonx said:
Oh, and my tang nibbles on the caulerpa.... doesn't chomp on it though.. he prefers the seaweed sheets

I had two big pieces of chaeto (spahgetti algae) but since I didn't have a fuge at the time I threw it in my display...well it was GONE in about a week! I have 2 tangs and a rabbitfish which loved it! You should have seen them...they were fat! My yellow tang you could see his stomach....I though I was going to have to buy him new clothes!!!! Didn't fit in them anymore!!! :lol:
derek_setter said:
maybe i could add amonia to the tank so that it can cycle into nitrate--that way it has something to live on for a week or two---any suggestions on what to use?

Use fishfood and let it do its thing...it will produce ammonia naturally. adding ammonia dosent sound good, in fact it gives me the eebie jeebies. Hit up the trading forums and collect as many different strains as you can, and keep track of the ones that do well. I have chaeto from inland aquatics that has doubled its size in two weeks, racemosa and prolifera went pale on me so I dumped it:mad2: