Hi reefers, wondering where I can post to get feedback on how to price a somewhat hard to find higher end fish. I would like feedback on what price to ask for a happy healthy Black Long Nose Tang (Zebrasoma Rostratum) that I have had in my possession for 5yrs. It was shipped to me directly from Hawaii approx 5yrs ago and I would like to offer him up for sale. This is a true black long nose tang (and not a hybrid) and is about 4.5inches in size and eats everything offered including frozen, pellet and nori regularly. I have had him since he was about 1.5 inches so obviously he is happy and healthy and well accustomed to tank life. Live Aquaria has had NO AVAILABILITY it seems for months and their pricing shows approx $1100 to $1400 for the fish depending on size (but again they have had no availability for a while) as this fish is NOT readily available. Was thinking about asking for middle of the L.A. price range to be fair. What do y'all think about that price........