HD quality video .....Who can do?

Alot of things do HD quality video. If you look at my youtube page, all the tank hop videos i did were done with my Kodak Zi8 ($100 camera) or the go pro ($400). I like using my friends SLR camera though because its Full HD and you can focus in and out manually.

Recording in HD is one thing, editing and exporting to youtube or other is another issue in itself.
Matt - my buddy Menfis is professional camera man. I have brought him to your house once and introduced you guys several times during meetings and such. If you want his help, let me know and I will make sure that you guys connect.
The go pro black edition. Many TV shows actually shoot footage with a go pro. No zoom, but you can set wide, medium, or narrow angle and it's full 1080 at 60fps.
Blackthundas stuff is always very high quality. I know he posted what he uses above, and know nothing about cameras, but his stuff is always good.