Heads up new store in Miami

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New member
I was informed and visited a new store in the making, over 3000 Square Feet and with a great layout located next to the Palmetto on 8th Street & 74th Ave. schedueld to open in three to four weeks.
I do not have an idea of what is going to be called but really liked what I saw, for the old timers it reminded me of Fish World (big sponsor of the FMAS show way back then)
Will keep you posted.
so there not officialy open yet but you got a chance to look around? i drove past it this weekend but i was with my dad and after hitting a bunch of stores he was too hungry and didnt want to stop again LOL
They are waiting for a few big tanks and still have a couple of weeks before opening. If they keep up the good work this may be the store to raise the standard.
I have driven past it before tempted to stop by, but now that I know it isnt open I'll wait. Thanx 4 d 411!!
Yup that's Cubano's place.
Hopefully they will have pastelitos and coladas to keep up the tradition.

very good guajiro hopefully all of your filtration and designs are up to speed and no major issues arise.
Ricardo, I wish the best of luck...That store will be a great pit stop on my daily commute from the Beach to The Fall....
Holy shiz!

I just went on googlemaps to look up the address, and they've got street-view on it, so you can see exactly the corner that it's on and everything around it. Crazy!

<****** width="425" height="240" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/sv?cbp=1,232.75576446418745,,0,-1.7039330156853012&cbll=25.762698,-80.315823&panoid=OnE6V0KPKB4StXCSrQ4AwA&v=1&hl=en&gl=us"></******><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=8th+Street+%26+74th+Ave.,+Miami,+FL+33156&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.522913,69.257813&ie=UTF8&ll=25.7627,-80.31578&spn=0.034937,0.067635&t=h&z=15&layer=c&cbll=25.762698,-80.315823&cbp=1,232.75576446418745,,0,-1.7039330156853012&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
cubano, you got my support man. its awesome that one of the club guys is opening a store. we really need to show him some support as a club and if you need some help with anything pm me as im not too far.

Cubano, mandame los detalles en un mensaje privado o email para ponerlo en el LFS Finder, para que todo los locos estos te puedan visitar. Buena suerte con el nuevo negocio.

:thumbsup: :celeb2: :fish1: :celeb1: :fish2: :clown: :bounce2: :bum: :wavehand:
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