heater for my new 460 gal

what type of return pump are you using? Internal or external? If using an internal one you might not need a heater. However you should keep one onhand just in case of emergencies. I bought two 400 watters for mine and they hardly ever come on because of heat from my return pump (which is internal). Tank temp stays around 80*. I will be going external in the future.
I run 2 400w and 2 250w heaters. I have 1 of each in each of my sumps. 1 is 150g and 1 is 100g. I also run external returns. 2 hammerheads and a dart in CL so no real heat from those.
I use 2 sequence darts and 6 400 watt halide. Seems to get the job done. I do keep 2 ebo jager on hand but never used them.