Hello everyone


New member
I am a fellow hobbiest i live in williamsport. I was given the link to this forum and thought i would come introduce myself.

My name is Jeramiah, I am 27 and i have been in the hobby for about a year now. My ex and i decided to get into the hobby then she changed her mind. We broke up and she let me keep my tanks at her house for a timetill i was able to get them, with the understanding she would be taking care of the livestock. She again changed her mind and did not care for the livestock and i lost almost everything. The only fish that survived was a gold stripe maroon. I also had two choc chip stars, a green brittle star, a turbo snail and 2 cirith snails survive. I lost all the inhabitants of one of my 65gal hex tanks and all the inhabitants of the other except the maroon and the cc stars. I lost my 29 gallon reef as well and the only corals that made it were some purple mushrooms and I think one poylp (of what the guy would sold them to me called greenbay packer zoos) is going to make it (on the bright side at least one made it to help rebuild the colony). I have my 29 gallon set back up and i am going to begin rebuilding my reef.
Welcome! You'll find that a few other people in the Williamsport area are hanging around here.

It's always stressful to lose lots of stuff, especially when you know it all could have been saved. Good luck with the rebuilding! On the coral side, the swap on Nov. 1 might be a great way to get some stock for the tank (plus it's always fun to dream about the future!). Let us know how it goes...
Thanks every one everything is going well so far and my maroon has taken well to her new tank mate. I know a lot of people would say its too soon but i know what to watch for and am pretty confident i have at least some idea what i am doing lol.


