Hi Everyone - I'm Fred, and just getting into saltwater from some planted freshwater/Amazon tank experience. I have a strong buffet-like cabinet with a 7' x 19" natural stone countertop and room for a sump where i'd like to build an open top show tank.
I got a rimless tank 40"x17.7x17.7 for this space, but am now thinking I should figure out how to get / build something more like 6'x19"x(20 or 24height) instead. So far, my main resources have been lurking here and gmacreef. Also was out on long island last weekend and visited Country Critters (which I think i learned about here). Anyway - Excited to learn about building a healthy / beautiful community environment.
I got a rimless tank 40"x17.7x17.7 for this space, but am now thinking I should figure out how to get / build something more like 6'x19"x(20 or 24height) instead. So far, my main resources have been lurking here and gmacreef. Also was out on long island last weekend and visited Country Critters (which I think i learned about here). Anyway - Excited to learn about building a healthy / beautiful community environment.