Hello, Geezer coming back to this forum. Paul B

My skimmer for some reason can't contain itself. I am not sure why but this has been happening for 2 weeks.

I installed this temporary adapter on my skimmer until whatever it is that it is removing is gone.

Skimmer adapter.JPG

It dumped out abouta gallon of foam in a few hours and the foam doesn't liquify which is why itis coming out the side of the skimmer.

I am sure I posted this somewhere on here so if I did, just ignore it and eat some broccoli rob :p

Want Healthy, Spawning Fish? Feed Them Properly!
March 20, 2015 by Paul Baldassano
Feeding fish in your saltwater aquarium

Feed your fish. They are hungry. That may sound obvious, but most fish in captivity are starving to death because we are so fixated on water parameters. It’s fine to worry about water parameters, but you still need to feed your fish. Yes, water parameters are important and it’s fine to worry about them, but if you want to keep fish along with your corals, they need to eat correctly. You can deal with the corals later.
They’re fish, not iguanas!
Most of us are spending so much time trying to keep those colorful corals that we forget about our fish. If your fish are not spawning or looking like they want to spawn, they are hungry or not getting the correct food. Flakes, pellets, and lettuce are not the correct food unless you have an iguana. Iguana’s love lettuce and maybe flakes, but I am speculating.
Of groupers and moose
After you feed your fish, feed them again because in the sea, fish eat all day long—or at least they try. I know most of us can sit down to a big meal of pasta, meatballs, mozzarella, nice crusty bread, and maybe a beer or two, and that will fill us up for a few hours. I also realize some people can eat that four or five times a day. Those people don’t own a mirror…or a scale. But most fish don’t have the type of stomach that can store huge amounts of food unless they are some type of grouper. Groupers can eat a moose (a small one) and be fine for a week until another moose comes along—though they do sometimes have trouble with those antlers!
[Editor’s note: Please don’t feed moose…mooses?…to your grouper! Keep in mind that PaulB sent this disturbing post from his padded cell at the institution, where he’s not allowed sharp objects.]
Aside from groupers, the majority of fish need to eat several times a day, but if we feed them correctly, they can get along on one meal a day. However, if they are going to eat only one meal, make it a good one. Forget about the silly water parameters and feed the fish. If the parameters are screwed up, change the water or take up golf. First think about getting the nutrition into your fish, then, if you have time, worry about the water quality because most of your fish can’t read the test kits anyway. I don’t even have test kits, but that’s just me.
Underfed fish get sick!
If your fish ever get sick or exhibit spots, they are not being fed well. Okay, stop laughing unless you have been keeping fish longer than I have (if you have, you may also know Noah, as he and I started in the hobby together by scraping barnacles from beneath the Ark). Fish that are fed correctly do not get sick—okay, maybe the occasional headache or the “heartbreak of psoriasis,” but that’s it. The immune system of spawning fish is so powerful that it will repel and kill parasites, flukes, flounders, and just about everything else. Don’t believe me? Feed your fish anyway.
The Soupy Sales system
Properly fed fish will be in spawning condition

Do you quarantine? Okay, that’s up to you, but even if you do, you still want your fish to be immune from just about all illnesses just in case your quarantining procedures were designed by Soupy Sales. Don’t know who he is? Google him.
There is a reason I have never posted on any disease forums. Well, I did have that shoulder operation, but I am talking about fish disease forums. My fish don’t get sick. No, never. I don’t mean in the last six weeks or even six years. I am talking decades. A decade is ten years. I do have some medications that I have not used in many years. The label on one reads, “Keep in a cool chariot.” That’s how old they are. I also have a hospital tank. It was made out of the right front fender of a 1955 Oldsmobile, and that was the last time I needed it. One of my fish was sick, but he got over his headache the next day.
Blackworms, clams, and more moose (moosen? meese?)
How is it possible that my fish never get sick? Because I feed them correctly and often. What do I feed them? Live blackworms and clams. Except for the pipefish, who order takeout, that’s about it.
Why worms and clams? Good question! Because worms and clams are a whole food. By “whole,” I mean all the parts of the animal are in there, not just the muscle like you are feeding when you give your fish squid, shrimp, octopus, or scallop. Those foods are fine for you to eat but not your fish. They need guts. Even when a grouper eats a moose, it eats the entire moose. When a great white shark eats an accountant who is at a convention in Hawaii, it eats the entire accountant, including his pocket protector and glasses. It doesn’t even spit out the bones. When a fish eats another fish, did you ever see it spit out the bones, scales, ears, or eyelashes? I didn’t think so because a fish needs all the parts of its prey, not just the muscle. Besides accountants don’t usually have much muscle to begin with.
So to sum up, feed the fish correctly and then think about water parameters. If you want really beautiful coral, keep fewer fish, but feed them correctly.
Notice the growth on my rocks. Many people won't like this but it means health. There is no need to feed mandarins and other small fish if the rocks look like this. Pods love living in this mess and look at all the spaghitti worms. They may be linguine worms. I don't know.

I have been having some back pain for a number of years, I don't remember the number, but since my replacement shoulder it has gotten much worse. Standing, sitting, laying or breathing is very painful so I have to avoid those things. Maybe when he cut out my old shoulder bone he dropped a hack saw blade in there and it fell down to my back. I don't know. :(

But the pain has gotten much worse and I have trouble lifting a very pregnant mandarin out of the tank with a net. If they aren't pregnant, I don't have much of a problem.

So my pain management Doctor sent me for an MRI. It didn't come out well and the MRI technician thought she spilled coffee or balsamic vinegar on her screen. :cool:

I have a bunch of disks that are all screwed up so she thought she was looking at a MRI of a Nautilus shell. One disk is completely missing. I don't remember it falling out and I think I would have heard it hit the ground but it is gone and the spine there is bone on bone and the disk above that slid forward pinching another nerve.
This often happens on studley looking Manly men. :p

She told me and my wife "This is a very painful condition". I said "Really! I haven't noticed!"

There is no cure except surgery may help for a while or I can just walk like a snail. They can possibly replace the disk. If I have to do this, to save money I will give them a roll of electrical tape to use for the disk. Of course I will give them a "new" roll of tape in the container, I don't want to look cheap. :)

But before any of that happens, first she will inject some temporary pain meds in my spine for a test. I figure "Prizapro" or "Preparation H."

Then if that allows the pain to subside a little she will go in and do an ablation or burn the nerves. I don't think she uses a propane torch or one of those things you use to light candles with, I think it's more like radiation.

In the meantime she is giving me some pain medication that you stick inside your cheek. (I never heard of this one). They do that because if you swallow it, it will turn your stomach into a jellyfish looking substance and no one wants that.

So I will see what happens.
I just fed my fish a magnum load of live whiteworms. For some reason, they bred like crazy and I got millions of them. But I didn't count them. My fish are smiling from gill to gill. :p
So yesterday my wife tells me we are going to the library for some type of event with our friends next door. Our library sometimes has some interesting things and shows so we go. We walk in and they give us this brochure with a picture of this nice-looking woman on it and she is a Medium. I see now why my wife didn't tell me what we were going to see because she knows I believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny more than I believe in mediums. :(

The woman walks out and she seems to be about 60 so it didn't take me long to figure out that that was her high school graduation picture.
So she goes into her spiel for 25 minutes about all her education and how she was a lawyer and what schools she went to like I care.

Then she says she is an animal lover and has a bunch of cats and dogs but no fish. I figure I would ty to have an open mind as I realize many people believe in this nonsense, I mean this ability to talk to dead people. So, as I am listening, she says she can also communicate with her dead dogs and cats. Now she lost me. I started thinking about the conversations she is having with her dead cats. :cautious:

Did the cat say: Hey crazy lady, remember when you wrapped me up nice and snug and took me to the Vet where he put me to sleep? Then I woke up with this huge pain between my hind legs! Do you remember that? I used to walk past a cute cat and want to put my moves on her, now I look at another cat and just long for Kibbles and Bits. By the way, what are those bits?

How would you like to wake up with that pain, then be thrown out in the street naked and the only thing you long for is dead fish that was put in a can 5 years before you were born? :sick:

I could imagine someone who lost a copperband butterfly and a week later the fish contacted the person yelling about how they were so mad in quarantine especially when they were dosed with copper, Prizapro and dipped in tree stump remover because you saw a spot.

The woman was droning on and on and a few smarter people started to leave. I myself walked out for a while and fell asleep behind some dusty books in the corner of the room where they have books on torture chambers..

I came back in and the Median was "Reading" people. She picked on this elderly woman in front of me and asked if she lost her husband. The Lady said, No. Then she said, I know your Husband was tall. The Lady said, No, he was short. She said I am pretty sure your husband died because I can see him. He is here with us. The Lady said, No, he's alive but my Son died.

The medium said Oh, I can see him. He had a heart attack. the Lady said, No. He drowned. Well, either way, his heart stopped. The Lady said, yes, I guess that is correct.

Then the Medium said there is this little boy who stays with her. He is with her now standing right next to her. But "most" people can't see him. I'm sure "most" people can't see him. I have a Supermodel who usually stands next to me but I have never seen her and most people can't see her either.

So this went on for an hour and I was looking for some crazy glue to keep my eyes open. I kept looking around the room to see if there was anything that I could bash myself in the head with because I figured if I croaked, I could contact this woman and the little boy standing next to so I could tell her not to give up her day job.

In the corner I saw an American Flag and figured I could put the point on the top through my neck but there was no point on the flag, it was an eagle. I would have smashed it into my head but then I figured it might be made of plastic and that would just chip my tooth and I already have a mouth full of very expensive implants.

You can't make this stuff up. :(
(I think a disk cut from a polyethelene cutting board with a hole saw will work better than a roll of electrical tape but it's your back.)

Hope things get better for your back!
I am up now and I was getting ready to walk but in a week or so I am going in for an ablation on my spine and I can't stand up. My back won't let me so I kind of half walked and half crawled to my kitchen to make coffee. I am trying stretching and all the back exercises but I don't think I will get out the door to walk today. I really need to walk this morning because I have a Dr. appointment in a couple of hours so may be one of these pain pills will kick in. I really don't want to drink Tequila so early. :sick:

I almost never miss my morning walk but I am afraid I will go a hundred yards, fall down and get stuck in the dark where I can't move and a doe will come upon me and want to take me to her home in the woods to have her way with me and my wife frowns on that. :rolleyes:

I feel like someone pushed a telephone pole through my spine and they didn't bother to put "Vaseline" on it or clean off the bugs and dirt. :mad:

When my wife wakes up and sees that I can't really do things like pole vault or bungee jump she is going to be very upset because she depends on me for everything.
Yesterday for our 50th anniversary (which was a couple of weeks ago) our close friends took us out for the day. We went out east to Orient State park which is on the eastern tip of the North Fork of Long Island. It's a beautiful park and this time of the year there is rarely anyone there.

I picked up some nice seaweed for my tank. :giggle:

We did meet an Asian woman there on the beach who was fishing by herself. She said she drove there from Queens which is about 70 miles away to try to catch a porgy. I give her a lot of credit because even though I like to fish, I wouldn't drive that far to catch a fish that is one of the cheapest fish out here. But she was my kind of woman. I like the determination.

This park is on a thin peninsula of land which is almost all ocean beach on one side and oyster ponds on the other side. Off to the south is Plum Island where the Govt. did all sorts of animal experiments including germ warfare and other not so nice, scary things. They now closed the Island after some diseases escaped. One was Lymes disease that is carried on ticks and very prevalent here. (Of course they don't admit that)

After the park they took us to a really nice Turkish restaurant in the town of Greenport. Very nice day.

Orient park sign.jpeg

Me at Orient beach.jpeg
Every morning I peruse these threads on multiple forums and am in awe at all the diseases, maladies, symptoms and surprise deaths that so many people experience. It's disheartening to think of all the creatures we are senselessly killing mostly by to much love.

I am old and have seen most everything, (TV was invented the year before I was born and transistors not much later.) :rolleyes:

I still feel almost all of these diseases, most of which I never heard of and neither have the fish are the result of how we keep fish.
I have never had to de-worm a fish and flukes maybe once or twice in 50 years. I think healthy fish housed in a proper tank given the proper food and aquascape will not have these maladies in the first place so we don't have to intervene with poisons.

If I had to deal with all these issues, I would not be in this hobby. Instead maybe I would be a shoe salesman.

But that is just my opinion and I know it doesn't go over very big on these forums so don't read what I post. But what do I know? :unsure:
Every morning I peruse these threads on multiple forums and am in awe at all the diseases, maladies, symptoms and surprise deaths that so many people experience. It's disheartening to think of all the creatures we are senselessly killing mostly by to much love.

I am old and have seen most everything, (TV was invented the year before I was born and transistors not much later.) :rolleyes:

I still feel almost all of these diseases, most of which I never heard of and neither have the fish are the result of how we keep fish.
I have never had to de-worm a fish and flukes maybe once or twice in 50 years. I think healthy fish housed in a proper tank given the proper food and aquascape will not have these maladies in the first place so we don't have to intervene with poisons.

If I had to deal with all these issues, I would not be in this hobby. Instead maybe I would be a shoe salesman.

But that is just my opinion and I know it doesn't go over very big on these forums so don't read what I post. But what do I know? :unsure:

I couldn't agree with you more! For decades I've relied on consistant water changes and maintaining pH, alk, calcium and magnesium and have systems, fish and corals decades old. Main cause of death in my clients systems is equipment failure, including AC, and individuals "fixing" things without communicating what they've done (it was scary how liberal some people got with lysol during covid).

There is research suggesting a partial explanation though, it may be hard wired into individuals psyche to default to add stuff to solve issues.
It's easier do add a magic pill or perfect piece of equipment than be patient and do the mundane or tedious maintenance that is needed.

I just read a thread on another forum about someone trying what they call "ich Management" which I call a healthy, immune tank. All fish live in the sea under "Ich Management" methods and they are all very healthy.

To me, quarantined or medicated fish are not healthy because they have no immunity. Like none, zip, zero, nada, zilch.
The person who started the thread started quarantining, then the fish got ich, then they tried that low salinity thing (I forget what it's called. Then hydrogen peroxide was mentioned and tried, then UV sterilizer. Most of their fish died or are still sick and in the process of dying.

I really hate to see people killing fish like this. I like fish and I think they like me. :D

That tank will never be able to practice "Ich Management" because he already destroyed his fish. I didn't get involved in that thread because of all the, IMO wrong information. How can you start a discussion about "ich management" and talk about nothing but medications and means to eliminate ich.

"Ich management" or healthy fish means fish with immunity at such strength that they can not get sick in the first place so there is no need for all those silly things.

"Ich Management" has nothing to do with medications and things like garlic and Selcon is not needed or advised. Fish will get all the nutrition from the correct foods and the "correct" foods does not necessarily mean all from a store. LFS food is convenient and I use it myself, but most of it (not all) does not have the gut bacteria fish need to become immune as they are in the sea.

Only gut bacteria and exposure to parasites along with proper hiding places will keep fish immune and allow them to live a long healthy life free of diseases no matter what fish you throw in there and in what condition. Just my opinion of course.
Great minds think alike! I literally just logged in yesterday for the first time in nearly ten years…starting over with my reef addiction.