hello?? new finnex m tank !!???!!??


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finnex m tank 20g with 150 MH and PC?
im from quebec canada, and my english is not very good! sorry. But i want to order from USA, an finnex m tank with the 150w HQi and power compact. its comming with the skimmer and all the pump. I dont want to break my head to have a nice nano reef, so what do you think about it? heres the link

http://nanotuners.nanocustoms.com/n...products_id=155 and all that for 500$ us dollar.

And do the aquamedic hqi lamps are good?
I'm sure others with disagree but I would go with the Aquapod with the MH fixture. The Finnex is a nice looking tank, and from what I've heard, a high quality tank, but it is so darned shallow (front to back).

It's really difficult building a reef in a narrow area. The Aquapod will give you much more space in front of you rock, too. Of course, you could always go with a standard tank or a cube a hang on refugium and a separate MH system, too.

good luck - Laurie
I did acrylic once. The smallest grains of sand would severly scratch the inside of the tank. Then algae and coraline would grow into the scratches. They look great when they are new but look terrible when they scratch too. Also, I hate the tops of acrylic tanks due to that 2" lip in the inside of the tank makes it hard to stick your hand in and get to the to the inside walls. I would agree. Go with the Aquapod. I just ordered one myself.
I can't advice you on the tank, but AquaMedic products are always high quality, their lights are highly regarded.
Freezb i suggest you go with the aquapod...
I am somewhat of an insomniac (i cant sleep...) and after reading many posts up here and seeing their pictures, the tanks are all beautiful.
Safety in numbers my friend :)
thank's , so for the lighting i will be better with aquamedic ou sunpod of current usa, for metal halide?
It depends on what you plan on putting in there. If I were you I wouldn't put anything less than a 70W Metal Halide Sunpod on the 24 gallon Aquapod. Personally I would go with the 150W beacuse the heat is not any different and bulb selection is greater.
www.nanotuners.com is the only place that is selling the 150W kits. Not even Current-USA is distributing a 150W kit. This is something nano tuners is offering on their own.

Also, if I were you I wouldn't pay $99 for one of those cheesy particle board stands. Go to PetSmart or Petco and pick up an Oceanic 30 cube stand. They are on clearance for $99 right now and fit the Nano Cube or Aquapod perfectly and have a heck of a lot more storage in the stand for the same price.
thank's for the information, i have to check because im from montreal quebec! so they have to ship in canada!