I just thought that it was interesting that there are many surfers in Hawaii. Tiger sharks are surface feeders,probably share the water constantly with swimmers,but rarely attack. Obviously food source and water clarity have alot to do with it. Divers swim with tiger sharks and bull sharks with are thought to be responsible for alot of attacks. Few dare to swim with great whites, athough in clear water and at the right time of day, you'd most likely be safe. Right? I think that divers are unmastakeable as a non food source below the surface and maybe sharks are not sure whether you are their predator. However, maybe swimmers and surfers are not in that much of danger neither. It seems like alot of the attacks are in murky water or at dusk or dawn. Is Florida water that murky?I know that more attacks occur there as well as California, but I realize that alot of their food sources are gone. Is there some validity to this point?