HELP!!!!!! Added too much fresh water to my tank, fish look bad..


Active member
While performing routine tank maintenance earlier, I accidentally added too much fresh water to my 150g tank apparently, because 2 fish look bad. The salinity is perfect now, but I'm worried because my dogface puffer and foxface are just sitting still looking bad.. they are moving and all I know they are alive but I'm worried. Will they recover?
How much did the salinity drop and how quickly? Also, how fast did you bring it back up?
Large fast fluctuations are not good. Slow/gradual not so bad, but still not good
I have used marine fish tank salt to raise salinity -- BUT as griss says, it must be done slowly.

If it was a sudden drop in salinity, and the pH hadn't changed, then the fish should be okay. Consider that some marine fish treatments are a freshwater dip or even a longer (30 min) freshwater bath with proper pH, which many marine fish can handle.
While performing routine tank maintenance earlier, I accidentally added too much fresh water to my 150g tank apparently, because 2 fish look bad. The salinity is perfect now, but I'm worried because my dogface puffer and foxface are just sitting still looking bad.. they are moving and all I know they are alive but I'm worried. Will they recover?
How did this pan out fella ?