HELP bulkhead recomendations


New member
My bulkheads started leaking on my 180. This occured right after i finished plumbing it....yeah i was ******* pist but I'm going to get some new bulkheads overnighted to me. So who makes the best bulkheads??? I need 6 1in. and 2 3/4 in
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You might just try to tighten the ones you have. Do you have the gaskets on the correct side of the bulkhead?
Are you SURE they need to be replaced? Did they crack? If not, it may be a simple matter. 34 bulkheads, not counting the 5 in the sump, or teh six in the water storage array (going through round Rubbermaid cans). None of them leak. One was shipped cracked, and one had a weird inner diameter that fit nothing. If you can drain (and you'll need to to install new ones anyway), simply dry the area outside, loosen the flange as far as it will go, and put a healthy bead of silicone completely around the flange. Tighten it up and use the silicone that squeezes out the side to seal the back edge that's up against the threads. If all of your bullkheads started leaking, they were either installed wrong (usually washer on the wrong side or backwards), or possibly tightened too much (hope it didn't crack the tank), or too little. Hand tight is a little too loose for me sometimes and I crank it a tiny bit more with a wrench.
Overtightening is probably the #1 cause of leaks in bulkheads (aside from placing the washer on the wrong side). Just a 1/4 turn past handtight should be enough. Make sure the washer doesn't crimp up.

You didn't say what size holes you have...different bulkheads require different hole sizes. I'd recommend sched 80, but your tank may not be drilled for those (though this can be corrected if desired).
Yup grey SCH 80 are the best. I have 2 inch ones on my lower back wall. I also had to mount them in backwards due to room issues. Moved the gasket to the outside of the tank and (knock on wood) no problems yet. But like they said make sure the gaskets on the right side and facing the right direction.