HELP Can you ID this?


New member
I wonder if someone can identify the "thing" that has buried itself in a tube like hole in some Xania it has always been there since I bought it a year ago now. it was smaller then but it has grown and is now bolder and comes out half an inch out of the tube mainly early am or in the dark. It appears to have four spikes or antenna and is black in colour and it does appear to twist around in the tube. I know I have a Eucind worm buried about 3 inches away from this hole.

I have nothing small in the tank and it doesn't bother the hermits or shrimps as far as I know. It does go a bit crazy when I feed them life food or frozen though.

Can the sponge/coral next to the zoas be identified at all, the LFS didn't know what it was and thought it would die, but it hasn't and is still growing its actually lots of tiny little tubes.


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Not sure because can't get a good view of it, but my guess is it's your bobbit worm's hole. Personally I'd get rid of the whole damn rock. Or, torch it with fire and then pitch it into your garden. :hammer: :uzi:
Not sure because can't get a good view of it, but my guess is it's your bobbit worm's hole. Personally I'd get rid of the whole damn rock. Or, torch it with fire and then pitch it into your garden. :hammer: :uzi:

Hahahaha I have to say it is the most horrible looking thing....anything else out there to remove it? or manual deconstruction of the tank?
Do a Google or Youtube search for bobbit worm hole. I saw a video a week or so ago about a guy using a cool trap that the bobbit starts to go in and it can't back out. Kind of like one of those Chinese finger cuffs, the ones you slip on your fingers and can't pull off no matter how hard you try. It was a pretty cool video and the bobbit worm was about 6' long.

Other than that, pull that rock first, but sadly I don't think the worms whole body will be in just that one hole.
HELP Can you ID this?

Ok looking at some videos of bobbit worms, I'm a little uncomfortable at the moment. Those things are freaky!!!

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Do a Google or Youtube search for bobbit worm hole. I saw a video a week or so ago about a guy using a cool trap that the bobbit starts to go in and it can't back out. Kind of like one of those Chinese finger cuffs, the ones you slip on your fingers and can't pull off no matter how hard you try. It was a pretty cool video and the bobbit worm was about 6' long.

Other than that, pull that rock first, but sadly I don't think the worms whole body will be in just that one hole.

That is what confuses me, the hole was within the Xenia coral and it was not that long or deep. I would of thought the thing would of started to grow more now a yr on but no..

I am on nights at the moment so I may give it a look at in the day maybe cut that section out.

Can it possibly be anything else?
Dip that rock in some sulphuric acid and then throw it in a barrel fire, then a nice dip of revive for 5 mins. That thing is an abomination lol.
If a Bobbit worm doesn't reside in that hole in the first four pictures then a Vermetid snail is definitely a possibilty. These can get pretty big sometimes. As far as that mystery coral goes it is hard or soft? If it's hard then it might be a Leptastrea or something similar.