help! creatures growing in my tank


New member
in my magnetic algae remover on the inside I have these very small little creatures that seem to be spawning every day. When I move the magnet around the big ones fall off and swim to the top of the water. Im not sure if they are bad or not. I also have several white spots on my glass and have no clue what they are. I did see some small ceriths definately babies. Coul that be what they are? Help

im a noob so take it easy on me
the little guys are about a 1/8th of an inch and are long and skinny, kinda tubelike with little legs or fins or somethingand they are clearish white. The babies look like really small worms and are actually black. maybe a 1/16th of an inch
Look anything like these? If so, there pods.


ken you need to clean that glass... oh wait you need water in your tank :lol: JK .. hey you need to reply to the KEYS Critters thread...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6904496#post6904496 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bryang6286
yea i guess they are pods, are they good?
you can never have enough ... unless you have a goby or something then you will NEVER have enough :)
Yeah...aren't those Amphipods? And the curly ones Copepods? I got tons of them now since the only fish in my tank is a Midas Blenny.
bryang6286 .. they are great for the tank. not sure what they eat but never have to worry about 'feeding' them ...

maybe someone with a more scientific answer can chime in?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6902709#post6902709 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
ken you need to clean that glass... oh wait you need water in your tank :lol: JK .. hey you need to reply to the KEYS Critters thread...
It's not my glass, so I don't need to clean it!

I responded and sent you a PM.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6904546#post6904546 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by XeniaMania
Yeah...aren't those Amphipods? And the curly ones Copepods? I got tons of them now since the only fish in my tank is a Midas Blenny.

Amphipods are the larger, curled ones. The very tiny flat ones are copepods.

These are signs of a maturing tank. Be happy you have them. No need to feed them at all. They are good for helping to clean up detritus. If you feed them, then they won't be doing their job.
