I noticed my montipora was starting to look a little white last night. Did a full test of parameters: Alk 9.5 CAlcium 425 Mag 1320 Salinity 1.026 Nitrate 30ppm PH 8.3 Ammonia/Nitrite 0
I did at 16 gallon water change an hour ago (90 gallon tank) and turned all of the electronics back on. I noticed the dosing pump wasn't shutting off, and when I checked it had dosed almost 250ml of BRS Liquid Soda Ash since last night. When I checked the alk it was up to 11.8.
Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed? Do I wait it out and let it drop naturally?
I did at 16 gallon water change an hour ago (90 gallon tank) and turned all of the electronics back on. I noticed the dosing pump wasn't shutting off, and when I checked it had dosed almost 250ml of BRS Liquid Soda Ash since last night. When I checked the alk it was up to 11.8.
Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed? Do I wait it out and let it drop naturally?