Help Dragonet stung by Nem.


New member
So my fear of the Carpet stinging my dragnet became real. I was adding some tiger pods and had all the lights off. My dragonet wonder off his rock and ran straight into the nem. He's still alive and it's sliming like crazy. I guess a good thing. Breathing pretty hard. I was able to grab him right after he got stung and held him in front of the power heads as to blow off most of the slime. Can I do anything else at this point? He's staying on a rock. Breathing pretty hard. I'm so upset. My favorite fish by far.
My elegance coral ate my sand sifting star. The coral was scrunched up in a strange way and when I looked closer he had the star and a couple legs were missing. These things happen unfortunatly.
Thanks fellas. He's much better this morning or so it looks. He's breathing normal but sticking to the same rock. Not much swelling if any. But until I see him hunting pods again I won't be at ease.
This guy is a fighter. He's shed all the slime and although he hasn't ventured far from his cave he's hunting pods like crazy. This little guy is special no doubt in my mind.