Hi everyone, we unfortunately had a tragedy yesterday. We came home and I checked on the predator tank and there was NO SF eel inside. I was horrified to find him behind the tank.
Now I saw him at 11am, but we didn't get home until 8pm. I dug a hole in the yard and was ready to bury him when my wife came screaming outside to put him in water! We put some new saltwater in a tub and added him to it in hopes of reviving him.
He has not moved at ALL. The slime coat has been falling off, but I don't see any signs of decay, change of color, rigor mortis, and there is no smell. I hate to be graphic, but his body is very loose and moves easily....I don't know if this is normal for a dead eel or not.
I'm sorry my first post is so morbid, but I hate to keep him floating in water if he is just not going to "come back". At the time of posting this he has been in water for 8 hours. I read in some posts to wait 48 hours.....is that realistic?
Now I saw him at 11am, but we didn't get home until 8pm. I dug a hole in the yard and was ready to bury him when my wife came screaming outside to put him in water! We put some new saltwater in a tub and added him to it in hopes of reviving him.
He has not moved at ALL. The slime coat has been falling off, but I don't see any signs of decay, change of color, rigor mortis, and there is no smell. I hate to be graphic, but his body is very loose and moves easily....I don't know if this is normal for a dead eel or not.
I'm sorry my first post is so morbid, but I hate to keep him floating in water if he is just not going to "come back". At the time of posting this he has been in water for 8 hours. I read in some posts to wait 48 hours.....is that realistic?