Help, leaky tank


Premium Member
I have a 10 gallon tank dedicated to my RBT which is in line with my display. It has a slow leak at the bottom and I must replace it with another 10 or a 20 long.
Does anyone have either a 10 or 20 already drilled? I'm not sure the tank will hold till the swap so I'm looking for something local. If it holds till the swap will there be someone available at the swap to drill a tank for me?
Thanks, CJ a pinch you can get a rubbermaid tub from walmart--they drill easy with any type of bit. I used one for a fuge for years. I have it here empty if you want it, but it was drilled specificly for a fuge and it's quite dirty. :( I'm afraid I have no experience with drilling glass.
Thanks, both of you, I'm holding on for now. A 10 gallon is no picnic to drill, the glass is so thin. Zooky drilled the one I have now and I'm not sure I'd try it again. I'll try for a 20 unless the leak gets worse before the swap.