HELP me build my stand!!


In Memoriam
I have to build a stand for the tank I just bought...the original tank builder backed out.

The tank is 130x25x25 which only holds about 350 gallons. The tank is located in the basement on the concrete floor.

Originally the builder wanted to use 2x4\\\'s and plywood even though I wanted 4x4\\\'s...

Now I may have access to some I beams. For free I might add.

All that said, what would YOU do? Any ideas/suggestions are GREATLY appreciated. I just need to keep in mind that I need to fit my 72 inch sump under the tank. Would making an iron stand and wrapping it in wood be best? If so, how would YOU go about it?

2x2x3/16th steel and will skin it with cabinets after .

you can also stack cinderblocks , fill them with cement and use the I - beams on top to make a nice stand as well.


Find out the size of the ibeams. Lay them over cynder block walls to the height youd like, level everything get a 3/4" sheet of plywood and presto, you have a stand that your tank plus anything else you could dream of will sit on. I have seen this used a few tank in this forum but cannot remember exactly which.
11footreefer your contractor wanted to use 2x4s because it is extremely rare to find a true and square 4x4, my 1st frame was done twice with 4x4s and could not get it anywhere close to true so we went with the 2x4s wich actualy allowed to but a different style of bracing that is much stronger than the original design. trust me i argued for a week about wanting 4x4s, but ultimately let him show me his plans for the 2x4s and i loved it.( even though you dont agree with me not having a solid top on my stand, lol)
Thank you very much for the input...

NYVP - The bottom of Sanjays thread is pretty cool. But shouldnt there be a stack of blocks in the middle too? Especially on an 11 footer... ?? Or would 2 stacks of blocks, one on each end work?

Thanks again!

P.S. Tattooreef...please put a piece of plywood across the top of your stand... LOL
i do think you should put a stack in the middle just for safety sake, and to take any wobble that may occur out of the equation i know steel i beams are solid but working with steel( building custom motorcycles) has tought me is that as soon as you dont reinforce something it will give and even just the slightest bit could be catastrophic and as strong and sturdy as steel is it still has a slight bit of give in it to prevent itself from snapping
Each leg of my stand has triple 2x4's with some cross bracing. When it is finished there will be a total of 24 legs. I also like to over build things a little like a lot of people here.
just this past weekend i was at someones home who had 2- 120 x36x36 tanks one of which had this same exact stand setup (concrete blocks and steel i beams) and there was a set of blocks supporting the center section. although it is not my tank and i can only offer my opinion, and ultimately just like me , you will build to however you feel most comfortable despite what everyone on here says. cant wait to see some pics of another one of these babies
make the stand elbow height so no crouching required. Also ease of access to the sump below. I used one inch marine plywood for all sides and lifted the sump up 8 " off the floor there is also a 16" table top on either side of length ill post pictures check me out 150 gallon