Help me pick a skimmer


New member
I am steering up a 300 gal tank with about a 30 gallon sump. What skimmer would you recommend? Just sized for 325 or sized larger? What brand?

Your help is greatly appreciated.
I would personally do a larger sump, unless you plan on having a separate fuge as well. I have a sump that size on my 65 .
+1 on the bigger sump. I have a 80g sump on my 315 and its not big enough. As far as a skimmer goes....ATB 10.5 Deluxe. I love mine and have never had an ounce of trouble with it.
We plan to upgrade to a larger sump later. Right now, we are trying to reuse whatever we can from the existing 120 gal to get us up and running.

Any other suggestions?
sro 6000

low profile, cheap, performs like a monster

You can never go wrong with Deltec. I have the TC-2560 with the self cleanning head on my 260g and works amazing. Keeps my tank crystal clear.