Help me pick a tank. 200/24" or 225/27"?

Looking to upgrade to a Deep Sea Aquatics tank.

Either a:
200 Gallon
Size: 72" X 24" X 27"

or a:
225 Gallon
Size: 72" X 27" X 27"

Price will be about $100 difference with the larger being more expensive.

What are your thoughts? Is the extra surface area on the bottom of the tank a plus? Do 3" matter that much

I was looking in Aqua Illuminations site and they said the sols are best used @ 1 unit per 24" by 24" area. This would be perfect for the 200 model with 3 sols. Wondering if the extra 3" would make a difference on the 225 with the sols?

Here is a rendering of the tank:


Usually tank dimensions are given as length x width x height. Are you sure the extra 3" is for width and not height? If it is for height then yes, the difference can be significant for coral growth, but also affects what lights you need to get to reach your corals.

Is say an extra 3 inches would be nice...just have to position your corals to go with the light.

I also think you would have better coverage with 4 sols vs 3. A buddy of mine has 4 over a 180 and there are some slight shadowing...just need to place corals accordingly.

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@ Dave
Ya it is 24" vs 27" width. Height is 27" regardless of model.
I gave the dimensions above in the standard format of LxWxH

4 sols probably would work better. I'll still most likely start with 3 because of cost. Can always add another down the road. Also My tank is LPS dominant so that should help some. Only a couple SPS in my tank.
Oh ok you do make a good

How high do you plan to mount above the surface?

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Okay, then if you can afford it I would say go with the wider tank. Bigger is always better for a reef tank. The extra width will affect how you stack your rockwork or how much room you have for softies on the sand at the front of the tank.

Okay, then if you can afford it I would say go with the wider tank. Bigger is always better for a reef tank. The extra width will affect how you stack your rockwork or how much room you have for softies on the sand at the front of the tank.



Def'll be glad you did...

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Oh ok you do make a good

How high do you plan to mount above the surface?

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I'll actually probably end up purchasing the new AI Vegas. Not sure of ideal placement?

And Dave you bring up a good point about softies in the sand. A lot of my favorite corals do best on the bottom.

(Although I probably will be doing bare bottom instead of sand this time).
From what I have read Vegas have better coverage...and 3 would cost you 1500+ plus tax and the 4 sols if bought new would be 1600+ tax....if you buy new....

Hmmm...always a fun choice...

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For a 100, go w the wider tank, you wont regret it, i speak from experience, i chose a 125 over a 180 and ended up going to the 180 a yr later, extra room is priceless.
Go wider. I love a deep tank. Does the canopy allow you side access? Deep and tall means you might have trouble reaching the back of the tank if the canopy only opens from the front.
Go with the 27" and dont look back. I started with 3 AIs on a 180g and quickly went to 4. Make sure you can mount them high. Mine are 16"'from the water surface.
Lol the poll seems pretty decisive..

Everyone says wider! Haha! :celeb1:

Tank will not be utilizing a canopy... I think AI LEDs look good enough to where you don't really need one. Was almost thinking about some kind of pulley system to raise and lower them to get them out of the way for maintenance.

Sent an e-mail to AI and they said I could get away with 3 Vegas.
why not make a tape or cardboard template of the tank dimensions and lay it out..

im consider both of these tanks aswell, but honestly im trying to compromise between overall width.. i really dont have room for that 27 width.. 24 is already pushing it

for instance.. this was the dsa 200g tight againt the wall with a L shaped stand

but then i decided to move it over 2 feet to the left, which makes it tighter against the couches, but at least i can do a wet bar and flat screen in that corner

Have any of you purchased your DSA yet? I'm upgrading from a 65 gallon DSA to the 225 (72x27x27). I have two SOLs currently and can grow anything so I'm going to add two more for the 225. What are you looking to do for flow in yours? I have two mp10s in the 65 and they work great. Looking at two MP40s for the 225. I would love to see pics of someone's 225... can't find any anywhere that are actually in use.