Reef Cleaners order with a $75 budget, which means I can order $75 in livestock with free priority mail shipping on certain items.
I know I want 2-3 Peppermint Shrimp. Would also like some hermits and assorted snails, maybe some unusual stuff.
Over the bagillion years I’ve been in the hobby, I tend to order the same tank cleaners every time…Ceriths, Astreas, Turbos, Trochus, various hermits, etc.
Would like some other opinions to not be a creature of habit
. TIA for opinions.
I know I want 2-3 Peppermint Shrimp. Would also like some hermits and assorted snails, maybe some unusual stuff.
Over the bagillion years I’ve been in the hobby, I tend to order the same tank cleaners every time…Ceriths, Astreas, Turbos, Trochus, various hermits, etc.
Would like some other opinions to not be a creature of habit