HELP!! My octopus won't eat!!!


New member
Hi, I recently bought a baby common octopus and it won't eat. It will grab the food but when I check on it later it just didn't eat as if it were more a toy and not food I guess. Anyone hav anyone have any suggestions? (About 2" with its tentacles spread out and I feed him krill sometimes snails and ghost shrimp)
Hi, I recently bought a baby common octopus and it won't eat. It will grab the food but when I check on it later it just didn't eat as if it were more a toy and not food I guess. Anyone hav anyone have any suggestions? (About 2" with its tentacles spread out and I feed him krill sometimes snails and ghost shrimp)
Once I got a hitchhiker in a shipping of Fiji live rock... It was smaller than the one you describe...we fed it baby ghost shrimp and 1-2 day old mollies. Unfortunately, it inked itself when we took a picture and forgot to shut off the flash.

Yours at two inches could probably eat small hermits and baby emerald crabs. You might even try fish roe or frozen krill from a pipettes.