Help!!! my whole system went down for 4-6 hrs and was tripped off by my gfci outlet

lost1st manty:(

New member
auto shut everything off my connection between my skimmer pump and hose disconneted spilling water out thus triggering gfci outlet to switch off which is all fine an dandyas i did have a backup airation unit that triggered on when power went out but i am most afraid toxic levels of polluntants accumaulated in my sump which i have heard about happening, all my systems are back up running now, what should i do now though as i dont want a wipeout , i reseeded my 150 with some biological i keep as backup in my quarantine and have added some amquel to kill and ammonia or nitrite accumulation, Im just hoping i didnt get a toxic built up in my sump which i read about alot and not sure how long it would have taken or what else i should be doing ,i appreciate anyoner immediete help and response, very worried right now

Hobby Experience: 6 months
Current Tanks: 29 gallon marine fish only 150 marine predatory fish
Interests: marine aquarium fish@critters
I would run some carbon but as anyone in Florida can tell you, you should be OK unless you have a heavy bioload.
Let me see if I understand, the hose from your skimmer pump disconnected and splashed the electrical system OUTSIDE the pump which triggered the GFCI.
If this is the case, I do not think you shall be worried at all if there was no short circuit inside the sump or inside the aquarium. If I understand well Everything happened outside and because the GFCI tripped (less than 5 miliseconds!) there was no time for any wires or anything to heat up releasing chemicals so you will be OK and there is no pollution.
You do not need to do anything other than drying all electrical connections very well (even cleaning all the plugs with fresh water to remove any conductive salt and of course put a clamp in the hose and all your insert connections. Use stainless steel clamps for outside the tank and use plastic ones or plastic ties for the ones inside the sump or aquarium.
nothing will happen to your tank! my tank went down for several days after hurricane and nothing died. i did nothing special, just turned it back on :)