HELP!!! QT show 1 ppm ammonia

Well I don't have a bio wheel only filter what can I use to help seed the bacteria like a "bio wheel"???
A properly set up QT means keeping the biological aspect of it the same as any other tank for an extended period of time. This requires a tank that is constantly set up for new introductions. It is not about bringing out a 10 gal tank from the attic for a few days with a HOB filter, pouring in some nitryfing bacteria and some copper, and hoping this is better.

There is a trick to keeping a well seeded biofilter going without the need to keep a QT up and running all the time. Matt mentioned it with his biowheels. Same works with sponge filters. Keep your QT's biofilter in the sump of your display in between use ;) Done right, there is no reason for QT to be stressful for the fish.