Help: Tunze 6205 stopped working!


Owner of Canada Corals
I am wondering if anyone has experienced this issue before.

While the pump was off, a snail got into the pump and prevented it from turning on. I noticed it right away and removed the snail and all was well.

The following day, I noticed that the powerhead stopped working. I tried everything to get it to work and no luck. I can turn the prop by hand without feeling any resistance.

When I plug the power, it will spin backwards for a split second and that's it. The powerhead is less than 1 year old.

Any idea's?
Can you verify it is a 6205? We have not made the 6205 since Sept 2011. Have you tried opening the pump, removing the propeller assembly and verifying it spins on the shaft, you will need to hold the shaft still with one hand as in the pump with the cover removed the prop can spin with the shaft if they are fused by lime, but will not be able to spin when it is assembled. My best guess is that if it is a 6205 which had the older removable shaft, the shaft and drive unit are fused together by calcium and need to be seperated and cleaned so the prop and magnet spin freely on the shaft.
Oups, my bad.

It's the Tunze 6255. Sorry about that!

I can remove the prop and the shaft stays on the motor. It can slip on/off with ease. The magnet is flawless and nothing seems to be physically wrong with it at all. It's in a nutrient poor system with zero algae.

What would cause it to spin backwards?
It generally should not be possible for it to spin backwards, it could move a half turn or so backwards but the electronics would stop it. I would inspect the propeller magnet for any cracks, when a magnet cracks it has 2 N and 2 S poles and can no longer spin. If that is not it, the motor has to be the culprit and should be replaced under warranty.